Sick Day

31 08 2010

I feel like I never take time off of work if I am sick. The last sick day I had was last winter when I had the Swine Flu. (Boy, was that fun.) And here, I find myself again, taking a day off due to being sick. Granted, today is nothing compared to the perils of the Swine Flu; it’s just an ordinary cold.

But it’s my body’s timing in getting ill that’s the real kicker. Technically since I’m not dying and it isn’t serious, I could have gone to work today. But with my adventurous trip to Nashville (and the newest development: Alabama) in T-3 days, I really need to be healthy ASAP. Plus, I was recently told that this trip would involve driving to Alabama to see my friend’s brother’s family. That family involves a baby, and a sick guest coming to stay, probably wouldn’t be the most welcoming thought.

So, I find myself in bed, with many tissues at hand and a humidifier at my side. Movies? Ok. Retro cartoons on Cartoon Network during the day? Sure. Lots of tea and honey? Yes, please. I don’t like being sick just like the next person, but I need to get better pretty quick, so I have to do what I must. Stupid body. Next time you want to get sick, try for some better timing!

Texts From Last Week Part 2

30 08 2010

Last week I started off with this magnificent new series I am starting in CAPSLove. So today I am bringing you the next edition of it. I include a memorable Metro moment, a conclusion about a popular actor and even some drinking related quotes, because, who doesn’t like those? All right. Let’s get it started:

I just witnessed a teen-20something guy on the Metro with a large-ish diamond stud earring and a biker hat and scraggly Addidas shoes ask, “May I join you?” to a lady sitting at a window seat with an empty isle seat next to her. How polite!

I feel like Seann William Scott is a mix between a Bro and a girl.

At 9pm on a Thursday in August, I have reached Flip Cup Zen.

“When you’re drunk, ‘N’s’ look like ‘C’s’.” -an overheard statement during Kickball.

Salty And Brown

27 08 2010

Today I took an extra long lunch break. I really needed it. I’ve been dealing with insane customers all week and with the combination of the beautiful weather we’ve been having all week plus the fact that I didn’t bring any lunch to work today, I just had to get out.

So I headed up 7th Street to Chinatown to see what I call the “neighborhood food court” would offer me for lunch. I was thinking something healthy like Chop’t or filling like CalTor, but then I realized that the food I was craving was really some good ol’ comfort food. I don’t think I realized it till I sat down to eat what I had ordered, but I think I have realized that my comfort food is Chinese food. Lo Mein, to be specific.

No, it doesn’t always look appetizing, with it’s slimy noodles in salty brown sauce. It’s not even always garnished with bits of green broccoli as in the above picture. Usually (as with my lunch today), it’s just a mess of brown food. Salty and brown might be the two best words to describe Lo Mein. And yet, I love it.

An Unusual Pet

26 08 2010

Ok everyone. To get maximum enjoyment out of today’s post, it requires some audience participation and the use of a prop.

Ok class, please proceed to your most convenient Express newspaper vending machine. If you have to walk outside, I’ll wait. Besides, last I checked, it was super nice out, and if this blog post can get you outdoors to enjoy the beautiful (and abnormally pleasant for a typical August) weather in D.C. then I’m ok with that.

Ok, is everyone back? Let’s proceed. Please open your paper to page 14. As you will notice, you are looking at a page of the Classifieds. I would like to direct everyone’s attention to the “Pets” category on the lower right part of the page. If you will, read down to the seventh advertisement placed in this category. Do you notice that something seems a bit …odd? Was this ad in a misplaced section?

As my co-worker noted, “What are you supposed to feed it?” I responded, “Clothes?”

I might venture to say that this is the “Cake Wrecks” of Classifieds.

So everyone, now you too, can go out and show your friends of this amusing mistake in today’s paper!


26 08 2010

The name, “Jolene” is apparently good fodder for good song-writing. Below are three big hits all with the same, one-word, one-name title. I’ve seen the first two bands play each of these songs live, and I can confirm that each are pretty rockin’ songs. My BFF Matt has seen Dolly Parton live and has told me many times about how amazing she is. So one can thus gather that if you write or perform a song with this name, it is sure to be amazing.

One of my all-time favorite songs by the band, Cake is, “Jolene.”

Then there’s another completely different song, the cover hit by The White Stripes with the same name:

And all covers come from some place. Here’s the original song, made popular by one of Nashville’s finest, Dolly Parton:

Day Tripping to Nashville

25 08 2010

I don’t feel like blogging today. I’m chalking it up to an apparent jinx that this blog post seemed to have created. (I knew it!) But never worry, this is not the end. I wouldn’t dare think it. No, I have just had a lot on my plate lately. I’m swamped at work, looking for a different job, and planning for an upcoming trip over Labor Day Weekend.

I’m going to Kentucky and Tennessee to see a friend who’s stationed in Kentucky in the Army. My friend, a nurse, is being deployed in a few weeks to go to Iraq. So I figured I had to see her before she goes off to the other side of the world for the next six months. When I arrive next Friday, I will be spending the day all by myself in Nashville. I’ve been trying to figure out how to bide my time, since I’ve never been there before. It is kind of intimidating to me.

Nashville is known for its country music. While I like some country music, I can’t claim to be an expert on the genre. So today I’ve been surfing YouTube for some classic country music and its culture. Here’s a rare gem I found:

And as much for me as it is for you, here’s some video I’ve found on some of Nashville’s music joints and the general downtown area:

I’m actually pretty excited to go to Nashville. I love Southern Rock, Old Timey Country, BBQ, line dancing, and the whole Cowboy culture. (I’ll have to make sure to wear my cowboy boots when I go.) Plus, Nashville even has a hockey team! What more could you ask for? Who knows, maybe I’ll never come back from my trip!

Texts From Last Week

24 08 2010

Last week a few noteworthy things happened to me. And while these events were occurring (or shortly thereafter) I felt a need to blog about them. However, without a blackberry or any connection to the internet readily available I had to resort to more creative options. Usually I have a pen and some paper on me, and can write my thought down there, to transfer them to my blog later. But I was unfortunately left without those simple resources. So I decided to text myself my thoughts of the moment. Think of this post like the popular and ever-amusing website, Texts From Last Night.

I’ve got three for you. In chronological order they are:

If you off-load a very crowded train at a somewhat popular stop and it’s rush hour, and already crowded trains continue to come to the somewhat popular stop and let people off at a consistent rush hour rate of crowding, then what happens to the people who have been waiting at the stop from the initial off-loaded train? Are they ever able to get on another train? Or does the constant ebb of people keep them on the platform forever?

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Now that i think about it, there isn’t a single guy in my kickball division who i wouldn’t date. (maybe 1 or 2) but i would venture to say that i would be open to dating maybe 98% if the guys- based solely on looks.

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My new dating mantra might as well be the song, “It’s In His Kiss.” Because really, if there’s no initial attraction on the first date or even (as with online dating) if there is no flirting while talking online before meeting; you seriously can not tell if the guy REALLY likes you (or even if you are interested, if you are ambivalent) untill he goes “in for the kill” and kisses you. Because what with nervousness and everything, just because you two work dandy as friends, doesn’t mean you work well as more, And the song is so right, because a kiss really, truly shows you who that person is in relation to who you are and if the two of you can gel well.

We, The Italian Sodas

23 08 2010

This past Saturday my family and I took a trip to (my BFF and former Top Cheftestant) Spike’s newest pizza joint, We, The Pizza. It was my little brother’s last day in D.C. before heading off to college (wow) and he’s a huge fan of Spike and had yet to venture to We, The Pizza. My family ordered five different slices of pizza and five different Italian sodas.

Our taste buds ordered for us. The pizza slices ordered: Sausage & Peppers, Salami, Forest Shroomin, Spinach & Artichoke, and Buffalo Chicken. I had already tried the Sausage and Peppers and the Spinach and Artichoke (maybe my favorite), but the Buffalo Chicken pizza was amazing. That pie had the perfect balance of spicy buffalo sauce with cool cheese. It was a mouth-watering combination. The mushroom pie was also a tasty slice. By using fancier truffle mushrooms, the flavor was smokier and fuller. And unlike most mushroom pizzas where you’ll get a handful of mushroom slices, at We, The Pizza, they cover their pizza with the shrooms. The salami was similar to ordering pepperoni, but the meat was sliced in bigger rounds and it was a neat substitution. Like last time, the sausage and peppers was a great choice. Even my dad, who refused to try the peppers, assuming they’d be hot, was persuaded to try it. (No, the peppers aren’t spicy, and yes, he enjoyed it.)

And then came the Italian Sodas:

The Lineup

From left to right, we gulped down the “Good Morning Vietnam Coffee Soda,” “Co, Co, Nut Soda,” “I’ve Got Orange Crush On You,” “Ubet Manhattan Egg Cream,” and last but not least, “Don’t Forget Your Ginger Roots Soda.” Or, in short, coffee, coconut, orange, chocolate egg cream, and ginger. The menu boasts an impressive 12 options total, each only a mere $3. (What a deal!) I also hear that We, The Pizza prides itself of the Italian Soda-making process which, like the pizzas, customers can oversee its creation process. From what I know, the components include flavor shots, the soda, and whatever other fresh ingredients that infiltrate the mix.

An employee working the soda fountain.

Of the sodas we ordered, my favorite may have been my choice, the ginger or the chocolate egg cream, which reminded me of classic chocolate sodas from Jewish delis in places like New York City. My mom ordered the coconut but was a tad disappointed that it wasn’t sweeter. I noted that the flavor was much more like that of a real coconut, not like the sugary, artificial coconut flavoring that more people are used to. The orange soda tasted much like a Stewart’s Orange ‘n Cream soda or a Creamsicle. The coffee soda was a rejuvenating alternative to a standard iced coffee.

After only eating at We, The Pizza twice, I still have yet to try the other menu items. I am especially looking forward to sampling the wings and the gelato. I feel like ordering a sandwich there could be a cop-out option, though I hear they are still pretty amazing. I mean, let’s be honest; could Spike really make food poorly? In his own restaurant? I sure doubt it.

Rats Are Gross

20 08 2010

I don’t know what it is about my readers, but they seem to be obsessed with rats. I can not imagine that this is true for all of my readers, but then again, my blog’s statistics seem to lead me to believe otherwise. For example, there was yesterday’s post in which people seeking out info on rats boosted my readership to an unexplained total of over a thousand. (This still baffles me.)

Apparently those out in Internet-Land are still hungrily seeking out my blog for info on or related to rats. Let me prove it:

My blog's stats for "terms people used to find your blog."

I don’t know what it is about rats that seem so fascinating, but apparently a lot of people want to learn about giant rats. Ewwww. Well folks, let me share with you my favorite giant rat:

"He's a radical rat!"

Let alone the fact that Splinter, from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (“We’re really hip!”) is supposed to be the size of your average human, Splinter is still an oversized rat, if you take into account that he is just as big as the turtles. Last I checked, turtles were slightly larger than your standard rat, but then again, I’m not an expert on rat sizes, contrary to what many of my readers may believe.

If you’re interested in more regular sized rats, I would suggest checking this out.

So basically, if you’re looking for info on rats, honestly I’m flattered, but my blog is no “rat haven” of information. Actually, just the term, “rat haven” sounds incredibly disturbing. No thanks for me. I don’t want to go near anything that resembles a rat haven.


19 08 2010

Ok this makes absolutely no sense:

stats on my blog's visitor count per day

How on earth did my blog garner more than one thousand views today, even before I wrote today’s post???

I’m not complaining, but seriously folks, WTF. Look at that graph. Everything was all hunky-dory, we were all just peachy keen, and pleasantly unsuspecting and then, BAM! My blog viewership skyrockets! WHAT is so interesting on here? I want to know what all the hubbub is about! I mean, like yeah, I’m cool, but THIS cool? I just can’t believe it.

So WordPress tells me which page all these views are on, and the result is the baffling thing. The page that’s getting all these views is this. That was one of my most lame blog posts, but for some reason, people can’t get enough of it. I guess people are just finding the picture and then going to the source of the picture, but the image isn’t even originally mine! And what’s so great about those things anyways? Frankly, it’s pretty gross and scary.

Now, don’t get me wrong, my blog is pretty fantastic, but that it’s taken so many people to find this out, is baffling. I mean, it’s not like I wrote any mind-blowing articles in the past week or two that are up on the home page right now, so what’s drawing you in here?