27 06 2011

This week’s edition of TFLW includes lots of fun, drinking, and more. A much needed trip to Good Stuff ensued (even though it was something like the third time in a few weeks) and I went to a wedding to switch things up (which by the way, was amazing).


Woke up this morning with the song, “Must Be Santa” in my head. The last time I heard this song was in elementary school during the winter time. It’s something like 20 years later and it’s almost July. WTF.

“This is good for you- it’s like yogurt, right?” -My bro. about Good Stuff Eatery’s Toasted Marshmallow milkshake

“And it’s like Greek yogurt, because Spike is part Greek! Even better for you!” -Me

Laying on my bed and I hear a spring give way. Time for a new bed!

Pentagon City has the worst mall because they have like two locations for the escalators for the four levels – and they’re on opposite ends of the mall, but nothing in between. You spend all your time just trying to get to another floor, instead of shopping. Terrible mall layout design.

This. Is. The. Longest. Day. Of. My. Life.

Wow- just gave direction to a stranger while drnk. Yes.

About to put nail polish on my nails while drunk. Should be interesting…

So for my wedding: no dance floor, just wedding karaoke!

I think I would have fun as a wedding photographer- except it could get depressing if you’re single.

I’m gonna hire a little kid for my wedding to tear up the dance floor.

Chocolate and peas. A well-balanced meal.

What’s with the Cleveland Indians’ hat? Why the generic and lame “C” instead of the logo?

Well this is a new Metro mess: a seeded and cleaned out honeydew melon: seeds and juices all over the floors. It looks like barf. Where do these people come from??

Gowns Gone Wild

22 06 2011

It’s Wedding Season!

The weddings have begun as Wedding Season takes 2011 in full force! A few of my friends are getting hitched this weekend, and friends of mine have been attending weddings recently. It’s not really a written set of dates, but Wedding Season is probably best described as being synonymous with the Summer. This allows for longer days of sunlight and (to some) the best weather for an outdoor wedding. So weddings have been on my mind. Today’s post is simple: I am showing pictures of some of the more gaudy, elaborate wedding gowns. Brides’ dresses can be quite the spectacle, so I’m highlighting some of the most showy dresses!

It looks like this dress is made of potato chips! Definitely more of an art piece.

This dress lights up any occasion!

This fury dress looks like something out of a Dr. Seuss book.

A short dress isn't seen very often. This play off a rose theme, could poke someone's eye out, it's so sharp!

A failed, blobby attempt at the "mermaid" silhouette. Looks like this designer didn't want to get rid of any extra fabric.

There's a veil, and then there's this. If Lady Gaga wore this, she'd make it look normal.

And just for kicks, these Alexander McQueen wedding shoes!


22 11 2010

Welcome to the 14th edition of, Texts From Last Week! As you might have read, last week was pretty rough on me at work. Thus, it should come as not surprise that last week’s crop of texts are pretty strange and silly. There are a few odd quotes of mine. The stress from work really seemed to have melted my brain, bringing some of the most entertaining texts yet…


“The only thing sadder than (resorting to) drinking when depressed, is doing so alone.”

“I am sitting in between some Jell-O Jigglers (two people constantly laughing and shaking the pew we’re sitting in) and a lovey-dovey couple who doesn’t understand the no talking during a concert rule.”

“I live in the immediate. In the RIGHT now. I can not easily plan my life more than a week in advance. If a new person comes into my life, I can not think that a relationship with that person will extend beyond a few days. This is not because  I may be doubtful, it’s just that I do not wish to forsee that far ahead into the future.”

“Yes, that’s French they’re speaking, but these kids aren’t French. They’re American!” – Muzzy commercial. [Just something I was randomly thinking about.]

“I can’t really imagine being married. I just want the wedding.”

“It kind of baffles me that someone would pay more for a drink (with alcohol) than an entree at a restaurant.”

“I think my eyes have double chins.”

“If I could have any super power, it would be the ability to hear what song was stuck in someone’s head.”

“I’m just gonna come right our and say it: there are a number of my friends whom I have a crush on. That is all.”

Musical Marriages

2 09 2010

Ok, I just noticed a strange trend. In all to most of my favorite musicals, there is a wedding. And in that wedding scene is one of my favorite songs of the show. It is also interesting to note that the tones of songs in each movie are notably different.

Two immediate examples come to mind. A couple of my favorite musicals are, “Fiddler on the Roof” and, “Oklahoma!” But the songs that are sung during each musical’s wedding scene are completely different. Let me demonstrate. First, we have the song, “Sunrise Sunset,” from “Fiddler on the Roof.”

This is a slow, beautiful song that has very deep religious overtones. The song is sung by the wedding party and the crowd, not the actual couple, which contrasts with the next example. This part in the show is very focused on religion and community and the very tight-knit society that the characters live in.  And while the song seems to be somber, there is also a lovely, feeling of starting anew.

The next song is the title song from the musical, “Oklahoma!”

Now, this song is close to the total opposite of the previous song. While it takes place at a wedding, it is not actually about the wedding, as “Sunrise, Sunset” is.  This song celebrates, not the featured couple, but rather the place they live in. It is a joyous tune to celebrate all that is good in their lives and the land they live in.

There are only a few other musicals that incorporate weddings, such as “Mamma Mia” and, “Threepenny Opera.” I find it interesting that not many musicals come to mind though, that include weddings. Maybe it’s a big ordeal to include it in a production. Maybe some find it an instant story-ender. Whatever the case may be though, when weddings are included in a musical, it seems that I will like the music used for that occasion.