27 06 2011

This week’s edition of TFLW includes lots of fun, drinking, and more. A much needed trip to Good Stuff ensued (even though it was something like the third time in a few weeks) and I went to a wedding to switch things up (which by the way, was amazing).


Woke up this morning with the song, “Must Be Santa” in my head. The last time I heard this song was in elementary school during the winter time. It’s something like 20 years later and it’s almost July. WTF.

“This is good for you- it’s like yogurt, right?” -My bro. about Good Stuff Eatery’s Toasted Marshmallow milkshake

“And it’s like Greek yogurt, because Spike is part Greek! Even better for you!” -Me

Laying on my bed and I hear a spring give way. Time for a new bed!

Pentagon City has the worst mall because they have like two locations for the escalators for the four levels – and they’re on opposite ends of the mall, but nothing in between. You spend all your time just trying to get to another floor, instead of shopping. Terrible mall layout design.

This. Is. The. Longest. Day. Of. My. Life.

Wow- just gave direction to a stranger while drnk. Yes.

About to put nail polish on my nails while drunk. Should be interesting…

So for my wedding: no dance floor, just wedding karaoke!

I think I would have fun as a wedding photographer- except it could get depressing if you’re single.

I’m gonna hire a little kid for my wedding to tear up the dance floor.

Chocolate and peas. A well-balanced meal.

What’s with the Cleveland Indians’ hat? Why the generic and lame “C” instead of the logo?

Well this is a new Metro mess: a seeded and cleaned out honeydew melon: seeds and juices all over the floors. It looks like barf. Where do these people come from??



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