Texts From Last Week Part 7

4 10 2010

Is everyone just as excited as I am for another go around of TFLW? Last week brought many new texts and this time I was actually able to save them all. In related news, I was talking to my brother about this segment of CAPSLove, and he suggested I come up with a better, more catchy name for “Texts From Last Week.” While I think he might have a good point, I also kind of like the longer-yet-still-sayable ring the current title has. But like I said, he might have a point, so I’ll be thinking about this and welcoming suggestions for a name change! Who knows, you might just win a prize if I use your idea! Anyways, on to the texts…


“Mick Jagger has the ultimate rocker name. You mean to tell me that Jagger is a family’s name? That just sounds rockin’. And what is Mick short for anyways? If it’s Micky (like the mouse) then that’s kind of funny, but Micky Jagger could also work as a rock name. I guess he was born to rock.”

“You know how when in bad traffic, cars will merely inch along, in a very stop and go way? Maybe  you’ll move an inch and then stop and move another inch and stop. Well the Metro I’m on now was just that.”

“I tend to feel like I’m always planning dates. Is this like, odd for guys to do? Why don’t guys ever want to take charge (and be a man!) and plan something for once. If it’s the notion that planning is feminine, then that’s total BS that I refuse to believe. I’d think a guy would want to show a girl their idea of a good time, but in my experience, that has not been the case.”

“Is it worth judging someone solely based on their taste in music? What if they like truly awful musicians like 3OH!3 and Ke$ha? Honestly, if you like a band with some sort of punctuation in the name, which has you question the pronunciation, I think you need to re-evaluate your musical taste. Is this music  REALLY what you should be listening to? I think not. And I think the Music Gods would agree.”

This song has slightly tainted my view of The Simpsons. How unfortunate.

“I have gone on some dates with guys that have some pretty Jewish sounding last names. Could it be that one reason they are single is that nobody wants to marry them to be faced with the decision of whether or not to take such a Jew-tastic last name?”

“Lately I have noticed a trend in my Halloween costume selections: they have all been period pieces. Two years ago I was a 1970s Basketball player. Last year I was Amelia Earhart’s ghost. This year I am going to be a 1920s Bellhop. Interesting.”

“Why is it that I always seem to get on the Metro train car with no air conditioning? If I wanted to ride in a sauna, I wouldn’t head for the Metro.”

“And I was amazed to look up and see that I still had my purse…”

“I feel like I’m in some weird version of the movie, Being John Malkovich. I am on the Metro and a train in the opposite direction just went by and two of the people on board looked EXACTLY  like a guy I went to high school with and who I randomly bumped into a few weeks ago.”