Missed Connections + Craigslist TV

27 07 2010

On my daily stroll through the mystifying paths of craigslist today, I came across a new and enchanting thing which caught my eye…

It was a thing called, craigslist {tv} and when I clicked on the link I was taken to this: youtube.com/craigslist. Did you know that there was a craigslist stream of video ads on YouTube? I didn’t. It was actually quite a discovery. First, I watched a fun video about a girl seeking to rent out a futon in her apartment for some extra cash. The video shows the whole craigslist process: writing the ad, addressing potential matches, and then the ending result. The video was cute and well made. It can be viewed below:

Next up was a video that these two girls made about a missed connection. The two girls sought to find a cute guy they had spotted in a few restaurants one day. They proceeded to craft the ad, carefully describing the person in question. The two girls brought up the point of,

“Who reads, Missed Connections? “Everyone who says that they don’t, they do. They’re lying.”

Amazingly, they heard back from someone and then of course is the end result which I won’t give away. Their video experience is below:

But these girls bring up a good point. Who really does read the “Missed Connections?” I feel like making a post in those things is a total gamble. For instance, I only read Missed Connections when I’m bored. I feel like the rest of the population either doesn’t know what Missed Connections are, or they have no use for it. To me, it’s only the really imaginative or romantic people who read it. Maybe in my never-ending quest for a boyfriend/to meet new people, I should read the Missed Connections more frequently. It sure can’t hurt, right?