20 12 2010

Thoughts From Last Week is back again for yet another installation of your favorite series. Last week brought many a frustrating thought about the Metro, although by now, I’m sure you’re used to my rants about this faulty transit system. I also had thoughts about myself; deep introspective thoughts. And of course, a few other gems for your enjoyment…


“Man, I love the Post Office. Never again will I ship something [through] FedEx. That place costs so much!! And Flat Rate boxes really are amazing.”

“OMG: Candle Salad recipe from Amy Sedaris’ new book: stack a bunch of pineapple rings on a bed of green on a plate. Put a peeled banana in the hole. Top tip of banana with mayo (or whipped cream) and top with a maraschino cherry. *Most phallic food ever.*”

“YESSS! My Metro stalking girl who I’ve written about a few times has been once again spotted at the Friendship Heights stop- where I’ve been waiting for 35! minutes.”

“I’m faced with a total conundrum: I’ve been waiting for a Metro train for 40 minutes so far and I’m never getting to work. But I don’t want to go to work anyways! So what do I do? Have Metro take my sweet time? Or leave and take a taxi or bus?”

“I just paid the Metro $2.15 to wait an hour for nothing.”

“I am so susceptible to developing crushes. If somebody suggests I like someone or gives me some hope or reason I should like a guy, I will cling to that shred of hope; sometimes desperately. It’s a bad, bad habit of mine.”

“Me: Coffee is a diuretic. Little brother: Coffee is a diarrhea! Me: I think coffee is my new dieting method.”

Flash Gordon is a combination of two former and current Caps players: Fleischmann and Gordo!”